
Admission Committee

About the Committee

The Admission Committee is responsible for planning, organizing and controlling the admissions of Applied Art and Painting programs conducted by the University. In addition, the members engage in direct interaction with students for better guidance. This is done to ensure queries are addressed, and also to build and showcase the programmes of the college through social media.

Aims of the Admission Committee

  1. To support the college management in achieving the highest possible admission rates across all programmes offered by the institution.
  2. To provide comprehensive guidance and counseling to prospective students and their parents, helping them make informed decisions regarding their educational journey.
  3. To maintain and uphold the college's admissions policies and practices, ensuring transparency and fairness in the selection and enrollment of students.
  4. To actively engage in promoting the college's programmes to potential students through online orientations and other outreach initiatives, aiming to boost enrollment.
  5. To assist in verifying students' original documents and ensuring that all admissions are processed in compliance with the college's criteria and regulations.
  6. To streamline the admission process by preparing and submitting the list of admitted students to the administrative office, ensuring a smooth transition for new students.


  • To assist the management in getting maximum admissions to various programs.
  • To facilitate guidance and counseling procedures pertaining to admissions in the college.
  • To help solve queries of parents and students interested in taking admission to the different programs in the college.
  • To be responsible for assuring compliance with the admissions policies and practices of the college.

Functions of the Committee:

  • The Admission Committee assists the management in getting maximum admissions to various programmes offered by the college.
  • Organizes online orientation to different student groups to increase admissions.
  • Formulates and executes the admission criteria in filling the seats according to intake capacity.
  • Guides students and parents to choose a suitable stream of the UG programme in line with the interest of the students and marks secured.
  • Verifies original documents of the students.
  • Prepares the list of admitted students and submits it to the administrative office.

Benefits of Admission Committee

  • Admissions committee is most useful for the students to demonstrate a real understanding and commitment to their chosen subject area and show that they have considered its relevance to their future career choice.
  • Admissions process enables the committee to give deliberate and meticulous consideration of each applicant as a whole person.
  • It permits extraordinary flexibility and the possibility of changing decisions virtually until the day the admission process is over for each applicant.

Academic Advisory Board (AAB)

The Advisory Board plays an important role in the development of the department. The Department-level Advisory Board has been established to provide guidance and direction for the qualitative growth of the department.


  • To guide and support the qualitative growth of the department by providing strategic direction and expert advice.
  • To ensure the continuous improvement of educational standards, aligning them with industry needs and best practices.
  • To review and address the gap between the current curriculum and industry requirements, ensuring that graduates possess the necessary skills for the job market.
  • To advocate for the development and revision of program goals and objectives that prioritize student learning and success.
  • To monitor and assess the effectiveness of course plans and teaching methods, ensuring that they meet educational objectives and industry standards.
  • To provide oversight and guidance in areas such as faculty performance, student attendance, internal assessments, and the identification of both slow learners and high performers.
  • To serve as a liaison between the academic program and industry professionals, creating opportunities for student placements, capstone projects, and career advancement.
  • To assist in marketing and promoting the program, ensuring that it remains relevant and attractive to prospective students and industry stakeholders.

Functions & Responsibilities:

  • The Board interacts and maintains liaison with key stakeholders.
  • Monitor the report of the Advisory Board and the progress of the program.
  • Develop and recommend new or revised goals and objectives of the program.
  • Review and analyze the gap between curriculum and industry requirements and provide necessary feedback or advice on actions.
  • Monitor the course plan and delivery.
  • Verify Faculty Dairy, including attendance entry, internal marks, syllabus coverage, identification of slow learners and above-average performers, and take necessary actions.
  • Serve as an ambassador and advocate for the program(s), providing a connection to and ongoing exchange of information and ideas with practitioners in the field and other external contacts.
  • Attend biannual board meetings and other events/functions as requested. Review agenda and supporting materials prior to board meetings.
  • Be informed about the program(s), its students, curriculum, services/supports, and activities, and inform others.
  • Identify and present opportunities for students and/or host students for capstone projects or experiences.
  • Assist with the placement of program graduates.
  • Provide support and advice to program(s), assist in the development of new programs, and identify best-practice standards.
  • Realistically assess the market demand for program graduates and advise the program to ensure graduates have the skills required to meet employment needs.
  • Assess the denomination of curriculum and teaching practice. Work with program staff and other board members to ensure that the program is delivering learning that is up to date and relevant to current business, industry, and professional employment practices.
  • Assist with program marketing and promotion.


The AAB of the Institute is constituted to achieve the following objectives:

  • To enhance the quality education.
  • To upgrade the program structure to make it student-centric.
  • To ensure the new aids have been adapted for the betterment of students' benefits.

Grievance Redressal Committee

About the Cell:

The Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC) is tasked with investigating and resolving student complaints. Students can submit their concerns about any academic or non-academic matters on campus through both online platforms and a grievance/suggestion box.


  • To provide a transparent and efficient mechanism for addressing and resolving student grievances in a fair and timely manner.
  • To maintain a harmonious and peaceful campus atmosphere by addressing concerns that may affect student well-being or academic performance.
  • To foster an environment where students feel safe and encouraged to express their concerns and grievances without fear of retaliation.
  • To strictly enforce ethical standards, including the prohibition of ragging and other forms of misconduct, ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all students.
  • To contribute to the ongoing improvement of academic and administrative processes by considering and implementing constructive feedback from students.

Functions & Responsibilities:

  • To uphold the College's integrity by fostering a peaceful environment and encouraging positive relationships between students and teachers.
  • To create a safe space where students can express their grievances openly and honestly, without fear of retaliation.
  • To provide an anonymous suggestion box for students to voice their concerns or suggestions for improving academic and administrative processes.
  • To strictly enforce the prohibition of ragging in any form, both on and off-campus, and ensure that any violations are immediately reported to the Principal for action.


  • The committee will promptly address all written grievances received from students.
  • Each case will be formally reviewed and resolved in accordance with the college's policies.
  • The cell will report to the authorities on the cases handled and notify them of any pending issues that require further direction or guidance from higher authorities.

Anti-Ragging Committee

The Anti-Ragging Committee has been established to ensure a safe and respectful environment within the college. Chaired by the Principal, this committee comprises dedicated faculty members, coordinators, and student representatives who are committed to preventing and addressing any incidents of ragging. Students are encouraged to reach out to any of the committee members at any time if they feel uncomfortable or threatened by the behavior of others. The college prioritizes the well-being of its students, and the Anti-Ragging Committee is a key part of our efforts to maintain a positive and supportive campus atmosphere.

Establishment of Anti Ragging Committee (As per All India Council for Technical Education notified regulation for prevention and prohibition of ragging in AICTE APPROVED TECHNICAL Institutions vide No. 37-3/ Legal / AICTE /2009 dated 01/07/2009)

What Constitutes Ragging?

    Ragging constitutes one or more of any intentions by any student or group of students on:

  • 1.Any act of indiscipline, teasing, or handling with rudeness.
  • 2.Any act that prevents or disrupts the regular academic activity.
  • 3.Any activity which is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, psychological harm, or creates fear or apprehension.
  • 4.Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure.
  • 5.Any act of physical abuse causing assault, harm, or danger to health.
  • 6.Any act of abuse by spoken words, emails, SMS, or public insult, etc.
  • 7.Any act of injury or infringement of the fundamental right to human dignity.
  • 8.Any act of wrongful confinement, kidnapping, molesting, or committing unnatural offenses, use of criminal forces, trespass, or intimidation.
  • 9.Any unlawful assembly or conspiracy to ragging.


  • The committee will monitor carefully any ragging incidents in the college premises, canteen, college buses, mess area, and hostels through frequent raids by anti-ragging squads.
  • To monitor an undertaking in the prescribed format from the candidate concerned on anti-ragging at the time of admission.
  • To address the students and parents by the head of the institution on the anti-ragging committee.
  • Awareness for parents and guardians of the students is created at the time of Dean's address and Principal's Meeting throughout the academic year.
  • To form monitoring cells (Anti-ragging squad's faculties for surprise raids).
  • To suggest measures to tighten security.


The Anti-Ragging Committee is the supervisory and advisory committee in preserving a Culture of Ragging Free Environment in the college Campus. The main objectives of this cell are as follows

  • 1.To make students aware of the dehumanizing effect of ragging inherent in its perversity.
  • 2.To keep continuous watch and vigil over ragging to prevent its occurrence and recurrence.
  • 3.Promptly and stringently deal with incidents of ragging brought to our notice.
  • 4.To generate an atmosphere of discipline by sending a clear message that no act of ragging shall be tolerated and any act of ragging shall not go unnoticed and unpunished.

Punishment to those found guilty

Any student or group of students found guilty of ragging in the campus or even outside the campus shall be liable to one or more of the following punishments.

  • 1.Debarring from appearing in any internal/university examination.
  • 2.Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.
  • 3.Withdrawing scholarships and other benefits.
  • 4.Suspension from the college.
  • 5.Cancellation of the admission.
  • 6.Withholding the results.

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

The primary aim of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, (IQAC) is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.


  • Institutionalize quality assurance practices and foster a culture of continual improvement.
  • Enhance the overall academic and administrative performance of the institution.


  • To establish a systematic framework for consistent and catalytic advancements in institutional performance.
  • To promote a quality-driven culture by implementing best practices across all departments.
  • To facilitate technical progress and innovation in academic and administrative functions.
  • To align institutional processes with quality standards through regular feedback and audits.


  • Conduct regular meetings to discuss quality-related issues and develop improvement plans.
  • Gather and analyze feedback from students, parents, faculty, and other stakeholders to enhance processes.
  • Organize workshops, guest lectures, and seminars to connect students with industry professionals and prepare them for the workforce.
  • Carry out academic audits to evaluate and improve teaching and learning processes.
  • Promote holistic development through various programs and activities for students and faculty.
  • Guide the institution in preparing for NAAC accreditation and ensuring compliance with quality standards.
  • Initiatives for creativity and social responsibility.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Lead initiatives to promote industry readiness and ensure graduates are equipped for the workforce.
  • Organize social awareness campaigns to foster creativity, critical thinking, and social responsibility among students.
  • Oversee the Research Committee to support innovation, entrepreneurship, and real-world experience through competitions and academic project reports.
  • Coordinate external academic and administrative audits, and implement recommendations for continuous improvement.
  • Ensure optimal utilization of institutional infrastructure and resources.
  • Document institutional activities and academic reports, generate resource plans, and suggest infrastructure enhancements based on stakeholder feedback.

For More Information About IQAC Click Here

College Development Committee (CDC)

About the Committee

The College Development Committee (CDC) at VIVA Institute of Applied Art is a statutory body established under Section 97 of the Maharashtra Public Universities Act, 2016. The committee is dedicated to enhancing the quality of education and administration within the college. It plays a crucial role in recommending improvements in teaching standards, managing the distribution of teaching workload, ensuring student discipline, and overseeing the overall academic progress of the institution.


The primary aim of the College Development Committee (CDC) is to monitor and guide the academic and administrative functions of the institute. The CDC is responsible for fostering excellence in all aspects of college operations, including curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities.


  • To develop a comprehensive plan for the academic, administrative, and infrastructural growth of the college.
  • To design and implement the annual teaching programs and academic calendar.
  • To recommend the introduction of new academic courses and the creation of additional teaching and administrative positions.
  • To review and enhance self-financing courses and promote a strong research culture.
  • To strengthen academic collaborations, encourage the use of information technology, and improve teaching methods.
  • To prepare and recommend the annual financial budget and additional expenditures.
  • To support students and employees' welfare activities and plan major annual events.
  • To ensure discipline, safety, and security within the college environment.
  • To oversee the distribution of awards and recognition for students.


The CDC functions as the guiding body for the college s academic and administrative activities. It ensures the implementation of a robust academic program, supervises internal evaluations, and takes an active role in shaping the instructional strategies of the college.The committee also manages the overall development of the college by planning and recommending initiatives that enhance the college s infrastructure, research, and community outreach.

Role and Responsibilities:

  • Developing and overseeing the teaching programs, annual calendar, and academic schedules.
  • Recommending new academic courses, teaching posts, and administrative positions to the management.
  • Encouraging research, consultancy, extension activities, and academic collaborations.
  • Preparing the college’s financial estimates and recommending the budget to the management.
  • Planning and recommending welfare activities, safety measures, and discipline policies.
  • Organizing major college events, including annual art exhibitions, cultural, sports, and academic functions.
  • Reviewing IQAC reports, accreditation reports, and preparing the annual report on the committee’s activities.

Women Development Cell

About the Committee

The Women Development Cell (WDC) at VIVA Institute of Applied Art is a dedicated body comprising both faculty members and students, focused on fostering a gender-sensitive environment within the campus and beyond. The WDC is committed to organizing academic, cultural, and social events that promote the upliftment of women and emphasize the importance of gender equality and sensitivity in society. WDC serves as a resource and support center, actively engaging the college community in various initiatives related to women's development.

The primary aim of the Women Development Cell (WDC) is to empower and guide women in recognizing their true potential, enabling them to stand strong in a competitive world. The WDC is also responsible for the prevention of and action against sexual harassment of women, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all.


  • To raise awareness about health and hygiene among female students.
  • To promote the overall well-being of female students and women staff, both teaching and non-teaching.
  • To create social awareness regarding women’s issues and gender discrimination through lectures, workshops, and seminars.
  • To develop essential skills among girl students through workshops and training programs, enhancing their overall personality development and encouraging self-reliance.


The WDC functions as a proactive body that organizes and oversees various programs aimed at empowering women, promoting gender equality, and addressing issues related to women s health, safety, and legal rights. The cell also serves as a platform for female students and staff to voice their concerns and receive support in matters of gender-related challenges.

Role and Responsibilities:

  • Conducting programs that educate the college community about gender sensitivity, health, hygiene, and the legal rights of women.
  • Providing resources and support for the well-being of female students and staff, including counseling and guidance on personal and professional matters.
  • Organizing workshops and training sessions that help girl students develop skills necessary for personal growth and self-reliance.
  • Informing women about their legal rights and the protections available under Women’s Welfare Laws, ensuring they are aware of the mechanisms for seeking redressal in cases of discrimination or harassment.
  • Promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment through the active participation of the college community in events and initiatives.
  • Acting as a statutory body to prevent and address instances of sexual harassment, ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all members of the college.

Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)

About the Committee:

The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) at VIVA Institute of Applied Art was established in accordance with the Supreme Court s 1997 guidelines and the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act of April 2013. This committee is tasked with ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all staff and students by addressing issues related to sexual harassment and discrimination. The ICC aims to uphold gender equality and create a conducive atmosphere on campus where every individual is treated with dignity and respect.


The primary aim of the ICC is to foster a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment at VIVA Institute of Applied Art by preventing discrimination and sexual harassment. The committee strives to address and resolve issues related to sexual harassment efficiently and ensure that all members of the college community are treated with dignity.


  • To prevent discrimination and sexual harassment by promoting gender harmony among students and employees.
  • To address cases of discrimination and sexual harassment promptly, providing necessary support services to victims.
  • To recommend appropriate disciplinary measures against individuals found guilty of harassment or discrimination.
  • To uphold the institute’s commitment to maintaining a gender-neutral and harassment-free environment.
  • To ensure a secure physical and social environment to deter any acts of sexual harassment.
  • To foster a social and psychological environment that raises awareness about the various forms of sexual harassment and their impact.


The ICC functions as a proactive body to handle complaints of sexual harassment and discrimination. It operates with a focus on creating a supportive environment, offering a platform for grievances, and ensuring timely and fair resolution of complaints. The committee also works to educate and raise awareness about sexual harassment and gender discrimination through various initiatives and programs.

Role and Responsibilities

  • Receive and investigate complaints related to sexual harassment and discrimination in a timely and confidential manner.
  • Provide support and counseling to victims of sexual harassment, ensuring they receive appropriate assistance and protection.
  • Recommend disciplinary actions and punitive measures against individuals found guilty of harassment or discrimination.
  • Work towards creating a safe and respectful campus environment by implementing policies and practices that prevent discrimination and harassment.
  • Conduct awareness programs and training sessions to educate students and staff about gender equality, sexual harassment, and their rights and responsibilities.
  • Develop and enforce guidelines and procedures in line with UGC and Supreme Court directives to combat sexual harassment and discrimination effectively.
  • Regularly monitor the effectiveness of anti-harassment measures and report on the committee’s activities and outcomes to the management and relevant authorities.

SC ST Committee

The Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) Cell in an institute promotes the special interest of students in the reserved category and to provide special inputs in areas where the students experience difficulties.


SC/ST Committee has been formed in the Institute as per the constitutional requirements and to resolve the concerns related to the SC/ST Employees and Students of the Institute. The main focus of SC-ST Employees and Students of the Institute is to empower students who belong to the schedule committee that was formed with the intention to implement various schemes meant for educational purposes through the institutional policies which provide importance to social justice, economic welfare, and social defense.

The Role & Responsibilities of the Committee:

  • Impart impartiality to the generality of functions mentioned, including the roles and responsibilities of the SC/ST Committee.
  • Ensure that scholarships and other benefits from various government schemes reach students belonging to the SC/ST categories.
  • Organize extra coaching and remedial classes to support learning opportunities and bring SC/ST students up to par with good performers.
  • Ensure equality among all staff and students by counseling and sensitizing stakeholders.
  • Regularly organize interactive sessions and informal meetings with students to address their personal, social, and academic problems.
  • Deal with representations received from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates regarding their admission.
  • Function as a Grievance Redressal Cell for the grievances of SC/ST students.
  • Perform any other work assigned from time to time to promote higher education among SC/ST communities suffering economic, social, and educational deprivations.

UGC guidelines for establishing SC/ST Committee


  1. To circulate Government of India and Commission's decisions and to collect annually information regarding course-wise admissions for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates, in the prescribed forms, by a stipulated date, and to take follow-up action where required.
  2. To collect reports and information regarding Government of India orders on various aspects of education, training, and employment of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates, for evolving new policies or modifying existing policies by the Commission.
  3. To deal with representations received from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates regarding their admission, recruitment, promotion, and other similar matters in universities/colleges.
  4. To function as a Grievance Redressal Cell for the grievances of SC/ST students and employees of the Institute and render necessary help in solving their academic and administrative problems.
  5. The SC/ST Cell exclusively looks after work related to SC/ST matters and no other work is assigned to the Cell.


  • To implement the reservation policy for SCs/STs in universities and colleges.
  • To collect data regarding the implementation of the policies in respect of admissions and appointments to teaching positions in the affiliating colleges, and to analyze the data showing trends and changes towards fulfilling the required quota.
  • To take follow-up measures for achieving the objectives and targets laid down by the Government of India and the UGC.
  • To implement, monitor, and evaluate continuously the reservation policy in universities and colleges, and plan measures for ensuring effective implementation of the policy and program of the Government of India.

Eligibility/Target Group:

Financial assistance under the Scheme would be available to such Universities and Deemed Universities, which come within the purview of Section 2(f) and are fit to receive central assistance under section 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956. The Scheme is meant for SC/ST only.

Library Committee

About the Committee:

The VIVA Institute of Applied Art Library Committee is dedicated to ensuring the library remains a dynamic and resourceful hub for knowledge and creativity. Comprising faculty members, library staff, and student representatives, the committee oversees the development and implementation of policies and practices that support the academic and research needs of the institution. The committee is committed to fostering an environment that encourages learning, research, and the mastery of design elements, ensuring the library's resources are utilized effectively by the entire community.


  • The primary aim of the VIVA Institute of Applied Art Library is to be a cornerstone of knowledge, inspiring and motivating learners to stay updated in their fields.
  • The library seeks to support the academic and research activities of students and faculty by providing access to a diverse and growing collection of high-quality information resources in both print and digital formats.
  • To offer a comprehensive collection of library materials in various formats that cater to the diverse needs of the community.
  • To ensure equal access to information for all members, promoting education, enlightenment, and creativity.
  • To provide resources that not only educate but also entertain and inspire, contributing to the holistic development of students.
  • To promote library awareness and consciousness through programs and services that encourage active engagement with information and resources.

Functions of the Committee:

  • The library functions as a central resource for teaching, learning, and research at the VIVA Institute of Applied Art.
  • It provides students and faculty with access to a wide range of materials, including books, e-books, journals, and digital resources.
  • The library also serves as a space for intellectual exploration and collaboration, where users can access information, participate in research activities, and engage in educational programs that enhance their academic and creative pursuits.

Role and Responsibilities:

  • The committee is responsible for selecting, evaluating, and acquiring library materials in varied formats, ensuring they meet the educational and research needs of the community.
  • The committee oversees the management and organization of the library’s growing collection, ensuring resources are easily accessible and up-to-date.
  • The committee ensures that the library provides services and resources that support students and faculty in their academic endeavors, offering guidance in research and the effective use of information.
  • The committee organizes programs and activities that promote library awareness, encouraging active use of the library’s resources and fostering a culture of continuous learning.
  • The committee upholds the principle of equal access to information, ensuring that all members of the community have the opportunity to educate and enlighten themselves through the library’s offerings.

Exam Committee

About the cell:

The Institution has always benefited from the Examination Committee. The Committee has diligently and faithfully overseen the smooth administration of all College internal and external exams in compliance with Mumbai University regulations.


  1. To oversee and manage the smooth administration of all internal and external examinations, ensuring they are conducted in strict compliance with university regulations.
  2. To maintain the highest standards of academic integrity and fairness in the examination process, ensuring that all procedures are transparent and equitable.
  3. To ensure the timely preparation, administration, and evaluation of examinations, enabling prompt feedback to students and faculty.
  4. To streamline the examination process, from scheduling to result declaration, ensuring that all exams are conducted efficiently and without disruptions.


  1. To organize and conduct both internal and external exams for all programs offered by the college in compliance with the guidelines set by Mumbai University.
  2. To prepare and communicate the exam schedule in advance, ensuring that students and faculty are well-informed and prepared for upcoming exams.
  3. To assign appropriate exam rooms and ensure all necessary resources, including exam papers and response scripts, are ready and available before the exams.
  4. To collect, evaluate, and release the results of internal examinations within the designated time frame, ensuring timely feedback for students.
  5. To provide a responsive mechanism for addressing and resolving any grievances or complaints related to examinations from both students and staff.


  • To administer exams, both internal and external, for every program the college offers.
  • To create the exam schedule in advance and notify the students of it for the exams listed above.
  • To assign the exam rooms for each exam that is held at the college.
  • To guarantee that all of the exam questions are well-prepared beforehand.
  • To gather all necessary supporting documentation and response scripts.
  • To release the internal examination's findings within the allotted time.
  • To respond to staff and student complaints and grievances regarding matters pertaining to exams.

Placement Cell

About the cell:

At VIVA Institute of Applied Art, placement activities are actively initiated to support students in launching successful careers. To further bridge the gap between academics and the practical field, internships for third-year students are mandated, providing invaluable hands-on experience and professional insights that prepare them for the dynamic world of art and design. Each year, VIVA Institute of Applied Art hosts an Annual Art Exhibition, a significant event where students showcase their work to a diverse audience that includes students, parents, alumni, art lovers, and industry professionals. The exhibition is a key platform for students, attracting agency coordinators, art directors, and other professionals who often offer placement opportunities. Additionally, the college catalog, VIVAVISION, is specifically designed to showcase students work and is distributed among various agencies, further enhancing placement opportunities. Students are also encouraged to publish their campaigns on global platforms like Ads of the World, providing them with exposure and recognition.


  • To equip students with the necessary skills and experiences that prepare them for successful careers in art and design.
  • To connect academic learning with practical industry requirements, ensuring students are well-prepared for professional challenges.
  • To foster strong connections between the Institute and industry professionals, creating opportunities for internships, placements, and professional networking.
  • To provide platforms such as the Annual Art Exhibition and VIVAVISION catalog for students to showcase their work to industry leaders, enhancing their visibility and placement prospects.
  • To guide students in developing strong portfolios, resumes, and the technical skills required to excel in their chosen fields.
  • To actively seek and secure placement opportunities that align with students' expertise and career aspirations, helping them transition smoothly into the workforce.


  • To help students advance their careers.
  • To close the current gap between academics and industry.
  • To create a connection between the Institute and industry.
  • To assist pupils in developing their personalities.
  • To increase technical knowledge about software.
  • To guide students to build a strong portfolio and resume.


  • Facilitate summer internships for third-year students, providing them with practical industry experience.
  • Offer placement opportunities to final-year students, aligning with their areas of expertise and career goals.
  • Gather and maintain a database of potential employers, fostering strong relationships to enhance student placement.
  • Invite companies to the Annual Art Exhibition, a key event for student placements and showcasing talent.

Research and Development Committee

About the Committee:

The Research and Development (R&D) Cell at VIVA Institute of Applied Art is dedicated to fostering a robust research culture within the college. Established to encourage innovative research across emerging and multidisciplinary fields, the R&D Cell supports both students and faculty in exploring new frontiers in Art, Design, Technology and Humanities. By facilitating participation in conferences, seminars, and project competitions, the R&D Cell aims to enhance the research capabilities of the college community.


The R&D Cell aims to cultivate a thriving research environment within the college by promoting inquiry and innovation. It seeks to support research initiatives, enhance academic and practical knowledge, and foster a culture of continuous learning and discovery among students and faculty.


  • To create awareness and opportunities for research and development among faculty and students, fostering a research-driven atmosphere in every department.
  • To encourage staff members to pursue research projects and advance their qualifications.
  • To encourage the publication of technical papers in national and international conferences and journals.
  • To assist in applying for and obtaining funds for seminars, workshops, and faculty development programs.
  • To promote the growth of research activities and facilitate coordination of research-related workshops and staff development activities.

Role and Responsibilities:

  • Offer full or partial financial support for innovative research and development projects undertaken by students, faculty, and staff.
  • Encourage and facilitate participation in national and international conferences, training programs, and other research-related events.
  • Monitor and facilitate research activities, ensuring alignment with the college's objectives and standards.
  • Coordinate faculty-level workshops and staff development activities focused on research and development issues.
  • Assist in securing funding from various agencies for conducting seminars, workshops, and other research-related activities.
  • Support the academic community in enhancing research capabilities and contribute to the overall growth of the institution's research profile.

Intellectual Property Rights Cell (IPR Cell)

About the Committee:

The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell at VIVA Institute of Applied Art is dedicated to managing and protecting intellectual property created within the institution. Intellectual property encompasses various types of creations, including inventions, literary and artistic works, and commercial symbols and designs. The IPR Cell is committed to fostering innovation by providing guidance on IP rights, including patents, copyrights, and trademarks, and ensuring that creators can benefit from their intellectual endeavors.


The IPR Cell aims to foster a deep understanding of intellectual property rights among students and faculty, enhance awareness of IP issues, and support innovative projects. By facilitating training and workshops, the IPR Cell seeks to ensure that the creative and research outputs of the institution are protected and effectively managed.


  • To promote awareness about intellectual property rights among faculty and students.
  • To provide training on patent filing processes and other IP-related procedures.
  • To conduct workshops, seminars, and training courses on various aspects of intellectual property.


The IPR Cell functions as a support unit for managing intellectual property createdwithin the institution. It provides resources and guidance on IP rights, assists in thepatent filing process, and organizes educational events to enhance understanding ofIPR.

Role and Responsibilities:

  • Educate faculty and students about intellectual property rights and processes.
  • Arrange and conduct workshops, seminars, and training sessions focused on IPR.
  • Assist in managing and protecting intellectual property, including filing patents and securing copyrights and trademarks.
  • Implement and uphold the institution’s IPR policy to benefit all stakeholders and promote a culture of innovation.

Institution's Innovation Council

About the Committee:

The Institution's Innovation Council (IIC) at VIVA Institute of Applied Art was established on May 6, 2024, under the bearer number IC202427111, as part of a nationwide initiative guided by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. The IIC is dedicated to fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within the institute, serving as a dynamic platform where students and faculty can cultivate and transform creative ideas into tangible solutions. By bridging the gap between academia and industry, the IIC plays a crucial role in driving innovation that addresses societal needs and contributes to economic growth.


The primary aim of the IIC at VIVA Institute of Applied Art is to establish a robust local innovation ecosystem that supports the start-up culture and nurtures entrepreneurial spirit among students and faculty. The council strives to make the institute a leading force in innovation and entrepreneurship, known for generating creative and commercially viable solutions.


  • To encourage creativity and innovation among students and faculty to cultivate a thriving culture of innovation within the institute.
  • To provide resources, mentorship, and opportunities to support entrepreneurial ventures and start-ups initiated by students and faculty.
  • To facilitate partnerships between the institute and industry to address real-world challenges through collaborative efforts.
  • To support the development and commercialization of innovative ideas by offering guidance, mentorship, and resources to enhance the innovation ecosystem.
  • To promote collaboration across various disciplines to integrate art, design, technology, and other fields, resulting in innovative and impactful outcomes.


The IIC functions as a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship at the VIVA Institute of Applied Art, organi1ing a range of activities, including workshops, competitions, and mentorship programs. These initiatives are designed to inspire creativity, develop entrepreneurial skills, and facilitate the practical application of innovative ideas. The council also connects students and faculty with industry experts to help bring their innovations to market.

Role and Responsibilities

  • Actively promote a culture of innovation through regular events, challenges, and workshops that inspire creative thinking and problem-solving.
  • Provide resources, mentorship, and training to students and faculty interested in launching start-ups or entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Foster meaningful collaborations with industry partners to align academic research with industry needs, facilitating the transfer of knowledge and technology.
  • Offer guidance and mentorship to innovators and entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the complexities of developing and commercializing their ideas.
  • Encourage cross-disciplinary projects that integrate art, design, technology, and other fields, ensuring a holistic approach to innovation.
  • Regularly monitor the progress of innovation and entrepreneurial initiatives, providing feedback and support to ensure continuous improvement and impact.